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Main Characters

Captain Thomas H Nelson,

Commanding Officer

Commander Jason Taylor,

First Officer

Lt Commander Erik Jorgensen,

Chief Engineer

Lt Commander Raul “Rudy” Mendez,


Dr. Nathaniel Baldwin,

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Jefferies,

Medical Officer

LTJG Jewel Washburn,


(Not yet cast)


Communications Officer

(Not yet cast)

Lt Daniel Berry,

Security Chief

(Tentatively Cast)

Yeoman Tr’esa  Cor’vo’sen

Captain's Yeoman








Recurring Characters



CPO Natell,

Transporter Chief

(Tentatively Cast)

Admiral Yoritomo

Commanding Admiral, Excalibur's Sector

Lt Commander Miller

Asst Chief Engineer


Guest Characters

Excalibur's previous Captain,

Captain Harris



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